Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Like Wow!

Like Wow, so I changed alot of stuff around (yeah I know... Two posts in one evening, but I really wanted to post so ha ^^) Sqweee... Here are some pictures of me competing in Fear Factor dun dun dun..

This is me, u can sorta see it :P

OMGosh It's my hands and... arms? Oh with a smilie =)

I'm the brown haired person

Oh this me and an old youth leader of mine.

By the way these pics and more can be found
HERE Look through all the pics!

I've started my photobucket sub album, with all my good/favourite images on it :D So I'll put the link in when it's complete okie dokies?

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 8:36 PM


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Boo! I'm still alive, you know I almost thought of "stopping my blog" ooooo... But then I decided well I'm sitting on the computer and I don't know what to do; what the heck! Now I am posting :D I changed the color of the blog, and took away alot of pages :O I'm going to put new pics on my posts randomly instead of posting them in galleries, now for all the old pictures I will make a photobucket link so that you can see em all still ^^ I don't know who wants to, but anyways.

Last weekend I did an Urban Plunge in Abby, it was absolutely amazin'. I did it with my girl friend Amanda, my buddie Luke and a few other friends. We lived on the street for a day, and tried to "fend" for ourselves. We wanted to see how poor people live, and what they're life on the street is really like. After my sisters' B-day par-t we slept over at the church, had prayer time and fooled around and stuff. Then the next day we headed out to the streets. We made $1.16 collecting cans on the side of the road... Pretty sad eh? We ate lunch at the salvation army with homeless people, and got to talk to them. We bought two homeless people hotdogs for lunch (they were counting their few quarters and pennies outside 7/11) They were so excited to see the hotdogs, and to see that people cared about them. My views have changed, and I realize even more about how much I really have in life. It's amazing. Then we went to Mouat for a prayer meeting, and finished our night praying for one another, and I almost got thrown into a garbage can :O

Schools goin' pretty well, today was a little depressing, but I'm happy now lol. We had a non-uniform day! It was cool, I got to wear my clothing to school, and not just the same as everyone else. I'm happy.

This weekend shall be busy... But I'll save that for another post. I'm going to a Halloween dinner thing tonight Bawahhahahaha.....

Have a Happy Halloween Everyone, and get high on Candy. LUALL~

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 4:48 PM


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Saturday, October 21, 2006

I am officially sick. No, I can't believe it either, I'm seriouslyl never sick... I got it yesterday morning, and wow, I felt awful... I won't go to the "extent" of my sickness but I don't enjoy it. I've felt nautious, and I've had a bad back (no cough) but it was awful. (I'm a real wimp when it comes to being sick, I would so rather be hit hard in the gut, I take physical pain better then this load of "stuff") I haven't gotten much accomplished on my weekend, and I've barely eaten either... It was hard because it was my sis's b-day today and there was food galore and cakes and stuff, and well... I could hardly eat any... It's pure torture!! I tell yeah! Anyways enough complaining from me for now, I'm going to go lay down my head is "heavy"


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 9:44 PM


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Thursday, October 19, 2006

-I hate trying to come up with titles- Anyways I'm tired but here goes my second post today...
I have updated my gallery with one new image, and scraps with two ^^ I finished Braydons request (it can be found by clicking
here or by going into scraps and scrolling to the bottom "sorry it didn't go into my gallery I might decide to put it there, but for now it's in scraps.*

Well I already talked about my day this afternoon and there isn't much else interesting to say xD So I'll just leave now.. -runs away-

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 9:41 PM


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Sitting in math class~

-Sigh- yes I am sitting in math class doing nothing... again... I just finished my fourth math exam of the year and I almost "died" when I started, cause I forgot how to do like everything and then I remembered -whipes brow- all is good. Today I've taken my foods test to see if I "qualify" to cook in a kitchen, it was kinda stupid I mean seriously (How do you test food to see if it's done? With a tooth pick.... What don't you stick in the oven? Your head and hands duh! ) There were questions similar to that... (always wash you hands etc...) anyone could pass without studying :P Twas good. I think I'm going to have a happy day again :D I am sucking on candy and it's 5 minutes until lunch time!! Wh00t!

The weather has kinda gotten to me, I feel really tired (it's obviously windy and cold and rainy) and yeah, but I'm happy- and tired at the same time...

Yesterday was quite fun, and I think I'm gonna go to my friends house for dinner every Wednesday ^^ if he lets me lolz. Good food ^^ Anyways I felt like posting or I would be sitting here bored for 15 minutes. I'm going to go home tonight and relax and draw and stuff, and hopefully I won't have too much home work (so far NONE!) but I have another math class and an Enlish class....

Well, Tata

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 11:37 AM


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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Looonnnggg post :P

I only have 15 minutes to post, but here goes it! Right now I am in math class and I just finished an assignment :D We were supposed to have an exam Tuesday... then Wednesday (today) and now it's moved again to tomorrow :S

I didn't write 'bout whistler did I? Well it was great, we went shopping and swimming and stuff... it took us 3.5 hours to get up there, but that is okay I guess (2010 construction) Blah blah.... I bought a new pair of board shorts for $33 ^^ It was all good.

Today is hecktic (sp?) I have school, and then I'm driving to our church at 2:30- 3ish, and having bible study at 3:30 there, then going to my buddies house for dinner, and then going back to the church for 6:30 and then teaching at 7:30 :0

Oh Yeah! I am in Fear Factor again!! I was in it four years ago and I came in 3rd place. They did a whole movie (you know that "shabang"). Though I still haven't obtained that yet, but anyway... I did a tone of gross stuff (I ate partially developed duck eggs, and I put 36 worms in my mouth, ate raw oysters/sushi/sardines, and I had to be the running target for paintballers ^^) Now I joined it again because my girl friend Amanda decided she couldn't do it (she was originally going to compete and I wasn't this year) So I ran up and took her place and I guzzled back a mcdonalds milkshake (haha well it was more like a burger/fries/coke blended in a blender to make a puke milkshake.) I drank a whole large pop's worth (nasty man so gross....) We came in second place for that, and then we had to eat a whole can of quail eggs, and my partner did most of that to make up for not eating the "gloop" but I had to eat one, and it wasn't too bad ^^. Next week I am competing again! I'll tell you what I had to do~ Last year I won two movie tickets ^~ Anyways there is my yapp about life right now... Class is almost over, must goooo!

Oh I'm working on your request braydon!!! I'm sorry I kinda forgot :( I feel bad, so I totaly started over, and I'm gonna try to get it done on Thursday :D And I'm going to have some scraps to put up. Now I must really go!

Good bye ppl

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 9:32 AM


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Thursday, October 12, 2006

My mom and sisters all left for Whistler this afternoon, and I can't go yet cause well "school". So I'm here doing nuthin' much. It's kinda fun lol, I made nachoes, ate chocolate, and I think I'm gonna have some ice cream after I'm done this post. Today was great again! I found out in planning that people have "happy hormones" I think that must be what I have, cause it's lasted almost an entire week, I've been well, so happy ^^ I know, your probably like "who cares" but I don't! "Life is good" (that's like my new favourite quote)

I did my English presentation on the 16th century yesterday, and well I ended up saying "um" 52 times... Yeah I'm great I know. My buddie decided to count, so I haven't heard the end of it, but it's all good! Then I went to my church for 5.5 hours! That was a blast! No really! I had bible study, and then talked for a long time with my buddie, and then did homework there, and then painted stuff, and ate a candy apple (well a little bit of one anyways, my friend came up and like took a big bite out of it, and it was stuck to his face.) lolz. So I had a great day yesterday too!

I was reading this email I recieved and there are some hilarious jokes. (It's based on the bible, so if you don't read it you'll have no clue what these mean!)

Q. Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?
A. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once.

Q. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden ?
A. Your mother ate us out of house and home.

Did you know it's Biblical for a Man to make coffee? Yup, it's right there in the Bible. It says . . . "He-brews"

There are some more, but these are my faves! Enjoy!

PS. I this might be my last post until like Tuesday... not sure. I'm going to Whistler tomorrow right after school! Now I must go do something... like eat ice cream, and maybe study for my spanish test tomorrow... or sit here on the computer... Have a good day!


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 6:31 PM


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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Well my thanksgiving was very interesting... We were driving along the free way when this guy started yelling at us, it startled my dad, and then he realized we had a FLAT tire! So of course we pulled over and checked and sure enough it was almost completely flat... Now here's the funny part/well sorta, our back door was broken and couldn't open, so guess what! We couldn't get the spare tire out lol. So we decided to chance it and drive to a gas station, there my dad played around with the door while we waited for my cuz to pick us up. He finally got it opened and put the puny tire on. It looked so rediculas. Later my cuz patched up the tire and we were all set, we were late for turkey :(

I gots another new image in my gallery! Oh so rad it's a new character ^^ lol jk. It's kinda cute, and I couldn't resist. Tomorrow I am so busy, I go to school for 8:10, and from there I leave with Amanda to go to bible study... I'll be at our church from 2:30ish to 8:30ish! :S Oi, then I get Thursday to just relax, and Friday I'm off to Whistler!! Whoot :3 Well that's it! Now I'll draw s'more (haha that made me think of smores just now) nummy.

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 8:38 PM


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Monday, October 09, 2006

Well, looks like I have time to post today ^^ and guess what! I finished an image for my gallery! Oh yeah! Right now I'm uploading it to my image host and then I'll put it in my gallery. I really want to make it look a bit different, but I'm not sure how... any ideas? I got rid of like a bunch of useless pages etc. But I will hopefully put all the comments to each pic back in! I might change the color scheme of the webpage too, but we'll see ^

Oh right, last time I posted I talked about a school dance! Well it actually went pretty well, there was alot of rap music however; but still enjoyable! And yes, I danced!

Anyways I finally get to enjoy a Turky dinner tonight!! So happy thanksgiving "again", and I hope everyone has enjoyed this wonderfull long weekend!

Wanna know a secret? I have had 3 different blogs on blogspot now. But only two of them are still up. I probably wouldn't have a blog if it weren't for my B in math 9, I really wanted to git myself an A so I had to do extra work to earn that, and I was so close it was impossible to give it up. So my math teacher said I could create a web page on math, work on it, and I could boost my score up and ace math 9. So of course I agreed to that, and that is when I found blogger! And yes, my math page is still alive (I meant to delete it, but it came across my mind this morning, and surprizingly I remembered it's url. http://chipswebpageformath.blogspot.com/ I know so cheesey eh? Well after that I wanted a place for my art, so I made a new blog, which was once known as "ChipsGraphics" but because of rude people etc. I deleted it, and started over. So it's gone! (you may be wondering about "chips"? Well that was simply a nick name one of my online friends gave me lolz.) Anyways there's a little bit of my webpage history lol.
Ta ta!

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 12:26 PM


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Thursday, October 05, 2006
Time to Dance!

Yes, I shall dance. When? Tonight! I am going to my friends homecoming dance! Nathan to be exact, I'm pretty excited! Anyways that was fun, today was a day like any other. School from 8:10 am - 2:30, but no tests at all today! That was cool, one test got cancled cause like "no one" in my class studied, lolz. Cept me of course, I'm a gewd girl. lolz, just kiddin'.

Tomorrow I have like 3 tests, one for english, spanish, and then my unit 3 math exam on "Lines" lolz. Fun eh? Yeah I'm about as excited as you are reading this dull post. I am working on a "real" picture right now, one that I can put in my gallery that I haven't updated since July 3rd I think... So yeah, I'm not able to draw much tonight, nor tomorrow, maybe saturday though! And if I don't post until then...

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Love Chantelle~

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 5:34 PM


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Monday, October 02, 2006

Mmmm... I'm rushing this post cause I have a chocolate fondu to attend *licks lips* can't wati ^^

School today was nice, it was good to get back into the swing of things, you know a weekend gone and I have yet another 3 quizes/exams this week to look forward to! -sarcasm ppl- I'm part way done my picture of Frodo (no not cartoon, though maybe I should do that lolz) art class is always fun, and I get to draw lips ^~ Whoop... Tomorrow I have a super simple spanish test, which'll be nice, and I'm learning weird formulas in math xP which is really easy btw. I'm reading Romeo and Juliet -gag- I've always hated Shakespeare, but reading this story makes me laugh. We all take turns reading, and it's especially funny when the guys profess their love for the girls in poetry -laughs- funny funny ^^

1 new image in scraps :P that's about all I can cook up right now... Eeee must get ready now, fondu at 7!


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ ran away at 6:36 PM


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